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名称 |
2185 |
chan peter |
2186 |
Kris |
2187 |
公民力量 |
2188 |
民主黨 |
2189 |
民主黨新界東支部黨團 |
2190 |
社區主任嚴志明、陳銘雄、熊柏基 |
2191 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2192 |
(來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity) |
2193 |
jack |
2194 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2195 |
Simon Tsao |
2196 |
馮棨洪 |
2197 |
小市民 |
2198 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2199 |
(沒有署名) (Anonymous) |
2200 |
nelsonla |
2201 |
Dr. C K Law |
2202 |
(來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity) |
2203 |
Cheung Ka Sin |
2204 |
Fenton chau |
2205 |
KH Chan |
2206 |
(來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity) |
2207 |
小市民 |
2208 |
工聯會沙田地區服務處 |
2209 |
油尖旺區議員陳健成 |
2210 |
李國明 |
2211 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2212 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2213 |
Matthew Szeto |
2214 |
Eric To |
2215 |
Grace Chu |
2216 |
Grace Wai |
2217 |
jack |
2218 |
Jennifer Lo |
2219 |
Jim-ming |
2220 |
陳軍 |
2221 |
北區議員黃良喜、周錦紹、莫兆麟、潘忠賢 |
2222 |
(來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity) |
2223 |
Hugo Ng |
2224 |
Kitty Leung |
2225 |
leung ricky |
2226 |
上水區社團聯誼會、上水工商聯誼會、天平賢麗社主席楊雙英、北區青年會、區維坤區議員辦事處 |
2227 |
民主黨岑永根議員辦事處 |
2228 |
民建聯北區支部 |
2229 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2230 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2231 |
Keith |
2232 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2233 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2234 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
第35页 |