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Serial No. |
Name |
2085 |
陳美珊 |
2086 |
Fai |
2087 |
King Tsui |
2088 |
Peggy Wong |
2089 |
梁太 |
2090 |
街坊工友服務處 梁耀忠、梁志成、梁永權、尹兆堅、黃潤達 |
2091 |
Dman f |
2092 |
Freeman Wong |
2093 |
Jonathan Cheng |
2094 |
將近退休的小市民 |
2095 |
許漢生 |
2096 |
Gary |
2097 |
Vanny Chung |
2098 |
Lee Wong |
2099 |
社會民主連線、四五行動 |
2100 |
(沒有署名) (Anonymous) |
2101 |
ban bcc |
2102 |
cc |
2103 |
Fong Chun Cheong |
2104 |
炒牛河干 |
2105 |
張小姐 |
2106 |
abertdick |
2107 |
Edmund |
2108 |
Lisbeth Enterprises Limited |
2109 |
Sa Sa Cosmetic Company Limited |
2110 |
Sa Sa dot Com Limited |
2111 |
Sa Sa International Holdings Limited |
2112 |
WC Ng |
2113 |
(來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity) |
2114 |
jpyu41 |
2115 |
Richard |
2116 |
元朗區議員郭強 |
2117 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2118 |
(沒有署名) (Anonymous) |
2119 |
B.B. |
2120 |
Citizen X |
2121 |
Ken Lai |
2122 |
Peter Cheung |
2123 |
九龍城區議員林健文、蔡麗玲、區嘉誠 |
2124 |
九龍城區議員伍精民 |
2125 |
民主黨九龍城西支部 |
2126 |
民建聯九龍城支部 |
2127 |
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity) |
2128 |
香港民主民生協進會 |
2129 |
Chan Wilbut C F |
2130 |
CHIU, Chung Hoi Eric |
2131 |
Daisy |
2132 |
David Hung |
2133 |
Sammy Lau |
2134 |
Vanny |
Page 33 |