Broadening the Tax Base  Ensuring Our Future Prosperity  What's the Best Option for Hong Kong?
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Consultation Document & Leaflets
Interim Report
Final Report
Compendium of Written Submissions
Advisory Committee's Report(2002)
Other Options for Broadening Tax Base
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  List of Written Submissions  

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Serial No.


2135 yuen pong
2136 何太
2137 Garry Kum
2138 Florence Chan
2139 hksar e
2140 一群長者
2141 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2142 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2143 chanchunghkwan
2144 CPA Australia - Hong Kong China Division
2145 Liu Yuk Wah
2146 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2147 蔡鎔聖
2148 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2149 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2150 Nicole Lau
2151 朱秀成
2152 南方民主同盟
2153 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2154 Edmund Tan
2155 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2156 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2157 Tsang Chiu Tak
2158 梁廣華
2159 CHAN kwok ying
2161 Winnie
2162 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2163 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2164 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2165 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2166 Donald B. Ma
2167 Dr. K. Lo
2168 International Chamber of Commerce - Hong Kong, China
2169 MR. LUK
2170 perry
2171 王太
2172 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2173 (沒有署名) (Anonymous)
2174 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2175 The British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
2176 Wills Ling
2177 民主黨荃灣分部
2178 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
2179 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2180 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2181 (來函人要求以不具名方式公開) (The sender requested anonymity)
2182 Mandy Ling
2183 Wing Kwan Fan, Kelly
2184 (未能確認來函人是否願意公開姓名)
(Cannot ascertain whether the sender agrees to disclose his/her identity)
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