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Serial No. |
Name |
2335 |
Hong Kong Democratic Foundation |
2336 |
張志忠 |
2337 |
馬偉權 |
2338 |
Lee Hung |
2339 |
張文輝 |
2340 |
(來函人要求保密處理) (The sender requested confidentiality) |
2341 |
郭偉峰 |
2342 |
Shirley |
2343 |
Yoyo Yiu |
2344 |
張華生 |
2345 |
gloria lau |
2346 |
H K Cheung |
2347 |
Leung Chui Yin Chloe |
2348 |
李漢明 |
2349 |
蔡振中 |
2350 |
Jefferson VanderWolk |
2351 |
Stephen Chan |
2352 |
王培忠 |
2353 |
Ivan Fung |
2354 |
Kong Yee Ki |
2355 |
Lai Wing Sze |
2356 |
Tsang Hoi Ching |
2357 |
鍾國樑 |
2358 |
Leung Man Kwan |
2359 |
陳靜、錢映君、鄧泳琳、楊倩雯、凌浚杰、周香瑩 |
2360 |
陸健輝、李家傑、李承康、梁肇麟、楊瀚龍、劉家勁 |
2361 |
陳碧媛、鄭凱茵、鄭凱怡、劉嘉梁、盧昌華、譚漢波 |
2362 |
何婉君、江澤怡、馬寶虹、謝嘉晴、溫婷婷 |
2363 |
吳穎兒、張展濤、郭鴻榮、林巨聰、劉國峰 |
2364 |
曾滌生、張淑玲、梁肇庭 |
2365 |
梁卓賢 |
2366 |
Chow Ka Wai Betty |
2367 |
Alice Lau |
2368 |
Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong |
2369 |
Ivan |
2370 |
Tsui Nga Ni |
2371 |
郭瑞生 |
2372 |
Au Ting Chi |
2373 |
Robert Lung |
2374 |
譚振強 |
2375 |
Choi Chi Sing, Peter |
2376 |
Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants |
2377 |
The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong |
2378 |
(來函人要求保密處理) (The sender requested confidentiality) |
2379 |
(來函人要求保密處理) (The sender requested confidentiality) |
2380 |
Wong Chun Shiu |
2381 |
李志勇 |
2382 |
The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Hong Kong |
2383 |
(來函人要求保密處理) (The sender requested confidentiality) |
2384 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers Limited |
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